Some old postcard pictures, some fellow researchers, and a transcript of Kelly’s directory for 1861 for Othery.
Last updated 20th July
Write to me at
Other Researchers:
Steve Bown
is carrying out research
into the Bown families and the village.
He is particularly seeking any information on his relative Michael Bown, b circa 1801 died 1876, who married Rebecca Keirle in 1833 (Actually born Rebecca Richards, according
to Steve's latest research), and who at one time(c1861) was the landlord of the
London Inn in the village. (see Kelly's directory
below for 1861)
Contact Steve at steve@bownco.co.uk , or go to his web page at http://www.bownco.co.uk/bownfamily
Amy Lunde also has an interest in the village. She has a web site at http://www.hue.org/Othery/
Old Pictures of the village.
To see the rest of the old postcard views of Othery go to https://dbown100.tripod.com/otherycardsAlbum101.jpg
Other old postcard views from neighbouring villages can be seen at https://dbown100.tripod.com/POSTCARDs.htm
For modern views of this and other nearby villages go to https://dbown100.tripod.com/album.htm
Kelly's Directories:
Shipton Rev John Noble DD JP Vicar, Vicarage
Atyeo George, farmer
Baker Edwin, Blacksmith
Baker Thomas, farmer
Bathe Richard, sub-postmaster
Bown John, jun. Farmer
Bown John, farmer
Bown Michael, London Inn
Chard, George, farmer
Gent Ann(Mrs), beer retailer
Godfrey Coltrip, farmer
Goodson George, farmer
Gottery Alfred, farmer
Hamblin John, farmer
Hellicker Joel, carpenter
Hillier Charles, farmer
Hucker Uriah, farmer
Jeffery Vincent, farmer
Keirle Charles, farmer
Keirle Matthew, farmer, shopkeeper & post office
Kiddle Alfred, farmer & shopkeeper
Kiddle George, farmer
Kiddle Thomas, farmer
Lee Samuel, parish clerk
Lockyer Charles, farmer
Lovibond Edward, farmer
Lovibond George, farmer
Meade Matthew, carpenter
Moore James, farmer
Moore John, farmer
Moore Sarah Jane(Miss), shopkeeper
Popham George, farmer
Somerfield George, blacksmith
Somers Charles, carpenter
Sommers James, farmer
Summers George, farmer
Talbot James, farmer
Thatcher Thomas, farmer
Tucker Thomas, farmer
Tucker William, farmer
Westlake John, farmer
Winslade Walter, farmer & miller
Post Office.- Richard Bathe, sub-postmaster. Letters received from Bridgwater at 10.30 am, & box closes for dispatch at 4pm.